Monday, January 17, 2011

Weed should be legalized.

I ask myself, how is it that weed is illegal??Have u heard of High driving?or side effects such as stroke,liver disfuntions,colan cancer,ulcers,liver failure from people getting high??Well How is it that ciggarettes are legal?They are more harmful than weed.What about drinking alchohol.Millions get killed yearly behind drink driving,but yet there is a liqour stor on every corner in alot of city neighborhoods.What about these medications that these doctors come up with, Its suppose to be made to help you right,But then u hear all the damn side effects and u like dagggg.Id rather live with my condition than possibly die from sideeffects thats soppose to help me.So basically what Im saying is weed does not harm you any more than cigarettes,liqour and medicine.But these products are legal and they harm yourself and others wayyy more than smokin a lil weed,that mind u grows from the earth!Now I dont support crack,heroin and all the other man made drugs,they are definately not good for you but weed???Come on now!!This world and the people running it is ass backwards....I think about alot concerning the world we live in...but in cali and other countries its nothing to smoke weed,In Cali all u hav to do is hav a clean record and  can become a weed distributor for "medicinal purposes"come on now!!!they actually deliver the weed right to u,like calling dominoes.they have stores with all typess of desserts made with weed they also sell to there customers.I think thay waste to much time money and energy tryna bust people for weed,spending our tax dollars to hold people when so much more is going on in this world.If weed was to be legalized the economy would be bettr.Cali took from the weed money and used it for Important things that need to be done,Cali is greatly profitting off the weed buissness from the money the state gets off it and also all the fees associated with retaining a liscense to distribute.....My mind deep yal I be on some deep thinking stuff,,,Stay tuned for Inside MrsSixFigures Brain.


  1. it is stupid especially when you think the amount of money that can be made through taxes. by legalizing it then there is the millions we waste over weed related incarcerations, and disposal. but the biggest opposers of it are cigarette comp. and old narrow minded politicans who are affraid that legalizing will open th flood gates to other more lethal drugs???

  2. no it shouldn't. if it was the crime rate would go up very hi. weed should have started out legal.

  3. U sound stupid,cuz either way theres gonna b crime....and weather u kno it or not people r still selln weed out here anyway!!and u talk abt a higher crime rate....UMMMM drunk driving has the HIGHEST!!!!!but again thats legal and people get killed on a a drunk driver!This message was for Northeast101.

  4. I feel u Chris,I strongly believe wed is not a gate wat drug!!!Thats the BS they want u to believe!!weed comes from the earth,that other shit is man made bad chemicals or watever,completely diffrent high from weed.weed is wed and crack is crack.....period.but for damn sure smoking weed is not goin make u say hey i wanna do crack ETC......I can go on and on,but u get wat im tryn to say.
